Friday, July 21, 2006

Court Fields School

Three days of activites for the students at my oown school started with a trip to Dartmoor. Temperatures reached 90F for our session at Bone Hill rocks. This year I have been assisted by Baz Donovan a highly experienced instructor from Bristol.

A day at the coast on Thursday was a welcome relief from the heat. The students really enjoyed the coasteering, especially the jumping in! They all want to have another go so we be running this activity again!

Another trip to Dartmoor for some climbing and abseiling at Hay Tor finished off the week. The weather was perfect and the students were all up for the challenge. Thanks to Sue for delivering them every day by mini bus.

Monday, July 17, 2006

SPA Assessment

Spent the weekend working with Simon on an SPA assessment course. We used Sheeps Tor, Hay Tor and Chudleigh. The weather was hot (too hot!). Contact me for more course dates. We have a training course planned for the Autumn and an assessment in Jersey in October.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Lead climbing course

Working with the Jackob family again developing their leading skills. The lads have made great progress since last year. Over the weekend they climbed routes at the Dewerstone (Mucky Gully, Needle Arete and Fly on the Wall), Hound Tor and Hay Tor (Wobbling Wall and Raven Gully)

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

SPA training

A busy day at Hay Tor, Simon was running another SPA training course. We have an assessment on July 15/16. Please call if you need a place

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Hay Tor Hen Party

A busy day working with Karen and all her friends doing an abseiling day for her Hen Party. The weather was excellent. I hope the girls had a great time in the evening!